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Multi-word verbs in the Late Modern English period (1750-1850): a corpus-based study Ljubica Leone This book offers a description of the development of multi-word verbs over the years 1750-1850; and specifically, it focuses on phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs in Late Modern English (LModE). The topics included in the book respond to the growing interest in research on the LModE period, which until recently had received only limited attention. Descriptive analyses of frequency and the use of multi-word verbs are complemented with a discussion of the factors and mechanisms driving language change, such as grammaticalization, lexicalization, idiomatization, direct formation, reanalysis and analogy. Adopting a corpus-based method, the book describes the transformation of multi-word verbs, the way stability intertwines with change, further corroborating the status of the LMod period as a time featuring both innovation and stable features. The interplay of internal mechanisms of change favoured the loss of instances and the coinage of new members of the class of multi-word verbs, and often stimulated phenomena of interference between all multi-word verbs and cases of membership shift between classes. ISBN 9783969391679. Linguistics Edition 140. 90pp. 2023. LINGUISTIQUE, LITTÉRATURE ET DIDACTIQUE : PONTS ET PASSERELLES Mélanges offerts en hommage au Professeur David Ngamassu, à l’occasion du trentenaire de l’université de Buea Pierre Martial ABOSSOLO & Pierre ESSENGUÉ (éds.) Linguistique, littérature et didactique : ponts et passerelles est un texte en hommage au Professeur David Ngamassu. C’est un volume de seize (16) contributions scientifiques dans les trois domaines de prédilection de cet enseignant- chercheur dont la carrière arrive à son terme. Par cet hommage, le département de French de l’université de Buea fait d’une pierre deux coups : rendre hommage au collègue dont la carrière s’achève et célébrer les trente années de la Réforme universitaire qui aura porté cette université sur les fonts baptismaux. Les contributions scientifiques dans les trois champs de recherche du Professeur Ngamassu sont précédées de deux textes d’escorte : le mot du chef de département et de celui de l’ami. La quatrième section intitulée Varia donne la possibilité aux chercheurs d’autres champs de participer à cet hommage. Pour l’occasion, deux chercheurs en Histoire ont bien voulu apporter leur pierre au projet. Les contributions retenues couvrent les disciplines aussi variées que : les politiques linguistiques, la stylistique, la grammaire normative, la lexicologie différentielle, les attitudes et représentations vis-à-vis des langues, la critique littéraire, les recherches en didactique et en sociolinguistique, etc. Elles donnent, chacune, un aperçu de l’évolution des problématiques dans leur domaines d’investigation respectifs. ISBN 9783969391617. Linguistics Edition 139. 220pp. 2023. Literary Research: The Arts in Language, Communication, Culture and Society Jidda Hassan Juma’a (ed.) University of Maiduguri This book is a research contribution from scholars in the area of Arts and Humanities. It contains articles on languages, linguistics, communication, culture and society. On languages and linguistics aspects the book looks at the fate of languages susceptible to endangerment due to major languages encroachment on their vocabulary and the attitudes of the speakers of the endangered languages. The interaction between local Nigerian languages with modern European languages such as English and French occupy considerable space. In the area of communication researchers looked at the relevance of artistic designs, theatre and theories, in conveying messages that are educative and in the end transforming society’s mindset. On the cultural aspects scholars have extensively discussed the traditional barriers often created by shortsighted vision to religion, intellectualism and society that resulted into indecent interaction between the subjects. On the research study in society the scholars have in more details discussed the dual function of society, where the same can be used in the process of destruction and reconstruction. Thus, on the use of drama, they were able to address social vices and the gradually returning peace to insurgent zones of Niger-Delta and Boko Haram in Northeast Nigeria. ISBN 9783969391501. Linguistics Edition 138. 322pp. 2023.