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Semantics A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language Hussein Abdul-Raof Taibah University, Saudi Arabia Semantics: A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language is an essential resource for all undergraduate students studying semantics. This is a practical coursebook for the understanding of how meanings are expressed in the English language at the word level and the sentence level. This book is a step-by-step guide to the main notions of semantics, covering a large number of topics such as componential analysis, types of meaning, meaning relations, semantic unacceptability, selectional and collocational restrictions, types of emotional experience, types of synonymy, types of ambiguity, types of entailment, types of metonymy, lexical and semantic change, meaning and context, context of situation and context of culture, different types of culture, semantics and translation studies, metaphors and proverbs, meaning properties of words and sentences, semantic (thematic) roles, semantic classification of verbs, and the semantics of modal auxiliary verbs. Semantics: A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language is 'semantics-made-easy’ for learners of English as a foreign language; presents the basic principles of the discipline of semantics; investigates word level semantics and sentence level semantics; presents a detailed and practical study of different types of meaning and meaning relations; provides a semantic study of verbs; offers a detailed discussion of componential analysis and the semantic componential features of words; presents an informative and practical discussion of the semantics of modal auxiliary verbs; gives a detailed account of English proverbs and metaphors; offers a discussion of translation strategies for proverbs and metaphors; and is the first book that deals with translation problems as semantic problems. ISBN 9783862885961. LINCOM Textbooks in Linguistics 15. 265pp. 2014. Pidgin and Creole Languages A Basic Introduction Alan S. Kaye (California State University, Fullerton) & Mauro Tosco (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli) This is a short textbook conceived of as a meaty supplement for introductory linguistic students. It is designed to whet their appetites yielding an appreciation of the general field of languages in contact. The tome is particularly sensitive to the processes and stragegies of pidginization and creolization, and offers data based on the authors' fieldwork on Arabic pidgins and creoles of East Africa (the Ki-Nubi of Kenya and Uganda) and the southern Sudan (the city of Juba on the Nile). Theories of the origin of pidgins are discussed as well as the evolution of pidgins into creoles and the phenomenon known as decreolization. A major force of this volume is a focus on the relevance of pidginistics and creolistics for general and genetic linguistics. ISBN 9783895860317. LINCOM Textbooks in Linguistics 05. 130 pp. 2001. Natural Phonetics and Tonetics Articulatory, auditory, & functional Luciano Canepari University of Venice, Italy The author, who was trained in the British phonetic tradition and teaches Phonetics and phonology at the University of Venice, has expanded and completed the potential of natural phonetics, i.e. articulatory, auditory, and functional, in order to update and adapt it to the descriptive and teaching needs of several languages and dialects of the world, according to the phonetic method which is explained in the book. The handbook offers the necessary expansion of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to make it appropriate to adequately deal with hundreds of languages; not only for vowels and consonants, but also for intonation and tones. Hundreds of useful figures are provided, in particular vocograms, orograms, labiograms, palatograms, and tonograms. The general part, although beginning in a gradual way, deals with all the segmental and suprasegmentals in depth, without neglecting paraphonics (or “paralinguistics”). The handbook provides about 1000 “linguistic sounds” with their symbols, of which at least 500 are basic, 300 complementary, and 200 supplementary. In the second part, about 320 languages from all over the world are concisely but precisely dealt with (including 72 dead languages). In a twin volume (A Handbook of Pronunciation) the phonetic method is fully applied, by thoroughly dealing with the pronunciation of 12 languages: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, and Esperanto. The new fully revised and up-dated edition includes fairly important additions, integrations, substitutions, and modifications. Its title has changed to clearly show the rich potentialities of the natural approach.